Welcome to Food Truck Race!
Step into the non-slip shoes of a food truck chef in a race to feed hangry customers.
An immersive board game about cooking in a really tiny kitchen for lots of people. Let’s cook!
2-4 chefs ⎹ 60 minutes ⎹ Ages 13+
Starting from scratch, build out a food truck kitchen that can out-cook your competition.
You washed and painted a basic food truck, how will you outfit it to feed the masses?
Will you build out a short order kitchen or scale up to serve the appetites of your heavy-weight foodies?
In every turn, chefs prep ingredients and plate customer orders, advancing them around the city block.
Turn raw groceries into prepped ingredients in your 3 prep stations that correspond to a 2-dice roll.
Store those prepped ingredients in their mise en place (meez-awn plahs) until they’re ready to serve customers.
Chefs must spend money to make money, creating a sling-shot effect as their engine propels them forward.
Earn money by completing orders, each dollar advancing you around the city block.
Make strategic decisions to spend money on city fines & cooking upgrades, moving backward on that same city block.
On their own turn, chefs may shop for upgrades and reorganize their truck, readying themselves for the line forming outside their truck.
Create custom workflows by shopping for upgrades and groceries that improve efficiency, mitigate randomness, and scale your prep work.
Careful, upgrades are limited!
Hiding amongst the order cards are city employees, pests, farmer’s market samples, and influencers!
Can you still beat your competition with the Meter Maid or Food Safety Inspector breathing down your neck?
Will you pay the fine or try to pawn them off on the trucks racing by you?
Beware the hangriest customer!
At the end of each round, the hangriest (hungry + angry) customer in each food truck line will leave that line to find a faster meal. Don’t let your best customers get away!
First chef to $50 triggers last round!
But watch your rear-view mirror, those chefs behind you are cooking up a storm!
A final round of turns decides which food truck chef comes out on top. The chef with the most cash at end of race is the winner.
A blend of middleweight mechanics that newbies & hobby gamers will love.
Engine-building like Terraforming Mars
Simultaneous-play like Sushi-Go Party!
Push your luck like Heat: Pedal to the Metal
Resource management like Catan
Catch-up mechanics like Quacks of Quedlinburg
Stop telling your friends how to play… show them in 15 minutes.
Every player board includes the Pop-Up! mini-game that allows chefs to learn the game without receiving “the lecture."